Youth council of Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia    
Youth council of Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia
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Resolution of the VI-th FNPR Congress "Youth are a strategic resource for the trade unions"

Resolution of the VI-th FNPR Congress

“Youth are a strategic resource for the trade unions”


The implementation of the target-oriented youth policy in the sphere of social and labour rights and interests of the working and studying young people has recently become one of the principle directions of the FNPR activities.

There have been established the Youth Council of the FNPR and more than 100 youth councils and commissions in its affiliated organizations. These bodies take an active part in law-making process in the sphere of youth policy, development of collective agreements at all levels; organize and host trade union youth activities, professional skills contests, publish informational and methodological digests.

As a result of the work conducted the youth participation in trade union organizations has grown. One third of trade union members are under 35.

However the present situation of the young workers is vulnerable. Many problems remain unsolved, among these are: discrimination in payment, a large share of the unemployed, access to the educational opportunities and housing (accommodation), disproportion in the market demands and the structure of the educational system. The insufficient attention to the problems of up-bringing, education and employment of young people causes drug addiction, alcoholism, violence and other antisocial developments.

In the trade union decision-making bodies proportional representation of youth is not provided; the proper financial funding for realization of the youth policy is not allowed for in the budget. There is lack of targeted training and professional improvement education for young workers and core groups;

Recognizing the fact that the effective solution for youth problems and expectations, their active involvement into the trade union movement have crucial importance for the strengthening of the trade union movement in Russia, the Congress considers it necessary:

- to strengthen the attention of trade union organizations to the aspect of social and economic life of the youth; to make an effort to get the required results through the special youth-oriented programs; participation in the national projects and establishing the mechanism of control;

- to exercise the coordinated policy in the sphere of the extension of rights and guarantees for education, labour, vacation, accommodation, decent wages, participation in the solution of questions connected with the production making process, making efforts to introduce the legislative base dealing with the aspects of the youth;

- to seek to provide the youth with a free, high-ranking professional education, including the educational programs in professional colleges, and to give them an opportunity to acquire a residence on the advantageous conditions;

- to provide the youths with assistance in implementing their initiatives in social and cultural dimensions;

- to use current technologies for the popularization of trade union ideology and organizing of young people;

- to provide youth representation in the decision-making bodies of trade-unions, working groups and commissions at all levels, to include members of the youth councils in the manpower reserve for the executive trade union positions in accordance with the Concept of the FNPR Youth Policy; to establish youth councils in the structure of all the affiliated organizations of  the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia;

- to provide not less than 5 percent of trade union funding from the budgets at all levels for the implementation of the youth policy;

- to use the potentialities of the educational bodies for training of young trade union activists;      

- to expand the practice of carrying out specially oriented classes, courses and lectures, devoted to enlightening the aspects of trade unions’ activity and labour legislation of the Russian Federation in colleges and higher educational institutions.

The future of trade unions is with youth!


Word version of Resolution you can take here



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